Writing and Publishing Resources: |
2014 Poet's Market
by Robert Lee Brewer
Amazon Price: $19.57
ISBN 1599637308
Paperback, (September 16, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market
by Chuck Sambuchino (Editor)
Amazon Price: $19.57
ISBN 159963726X
Paperback, (September 18, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Songwriter's Market
by James Duncan (Editor)
Amazon Price: $21.17
ISBN 1599637316
Paperback, (October 31, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Writer's Market
by Robert Brewer (Editor)
Amazon Price: $19.08
ISBN 1599637324
Paperback, (August 31, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
Guide to Literary Agents 2014
by Chuck Sambuchino (Author)
Amazon Price: $19.57
ISBN 1599637286
Paperback, (September 5, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Novel and Short Story Writer's Market
by Rachel Randall (Editor)
Amazon Price: $19.57
ISBN 1599637294
Paperback, (September 11, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Writers Market Deluxe Edition
(Writer's Market Online)
by Robert Brewer (Author)
Amazon Price: $31.99
ISBN 1599637332
Paperback, (August 31, 2013)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
2014 Guide to Self-Publishing
by Robert Brewer (Editor)
Amazon Price: $17.55
ISBN 1599637278
Paperback, 368 pages, (October 31, 2013)
Writer's Digest Books
- Amazon |
Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers,
Editors, and Literary Agents 2012
by Jeff Herman (Author)
Amazon Price: $18.99
ISBN 1402271999
Paperback, 1104 pages, (May 1, 2011)
Sourcebooks; 23 edition
- Amazon |
Writer's & Illustrator's Guide to Children's
Book Publishers and Agents
by Ellen R. Shapiro
Amazon Price: $13.57
ISBN 0761526862
Paperback, 560 pages, (Oct. 2003)
Three Rivers Press; 2nd edition
- Amazon |
Be Your Own Literary Agent: The Ultimate
Insider's Guide to Getting Published
by Martin Levin
Amazon Price: $10.85
ISBN 1580083382
Hardcover, 242 pages, (Feb. 2002)
3rd edition, Ten Speed Press
- Amazon |
How to Publish Your Poetry
by Helene Ciaravino
Amazon Price: $10.85
ISBN 0757000010
Paperback (January 2001)
Square One Publishers
- Amazon |
A Poet's Guide to Poetry
by Mary Kinzie
Amazon Price: $11.02
ISBN 0226437396
Paperback, 562 pages (April 1999)
University of Chicago Press
- Amazon |
Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Poetry
by Nikki Moustaki
Amazon Price: $11.53
ISBN 0028641418
Paperback, 352 pages
1 edition (March 23, 2001)
Alpha Books
- Amazon |
Creating Poetry
by John Drury (Author)
Amazon Price: $10.19
ISBN 1582974632
Paperback, 224 pages, (July 2006)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life with Words
by Susan G. Wooldridge (Author)
Amazon Price: $11.16
ISBN 0609800981
Paperback, 224 pages, (April 1997)
Three Rivers Press; 1st Pbk. Ed edition
- Amazon |
Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing
and Freeing Your Creative Process
by Susan G. Wooldridge (Author)
Amazon Price: $14.96
ISBN 0307341488
Hardback, 256 pages, (June 2007)
- Amazon |
Poet Power! The Practical...
by Thomas A. Williams
Amazon Price: $18.95
ISBN 1878853279
Paperback, 226 pages
1 edition (June 1, 1999)
Venture Press
- Amazon |
The Art and Craft of Poetry
by Michael J. Bugeja (Author)
Amazon Price: $2.00+
ISBN 1582971013
Paperback, 339 pages, (August 2001)
Writers Digest Books
- Amazon |
Poetry for Dummies
by The Poetry Center, John Timpane
Amazon Price: $13.59
ISBN 0764552724
Paperback, 332 pages, (May 2001)
For Dummies; 1 edition
- Amazon |