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Complete Poems of Percy
Bysshe Shelley
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Amazon Price: $18.17
ISBN 0679601112
Hardcover Reissue edition (June '94)
Modern Library
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E.E. Cummings: Complete Poems
by E.E. Cummings
Amazon Price: $35.00
ISBN 0871401525
Hardcover Revised edition (May '94)
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The Complete Tales and Poems
of Edgar Allan Poe
by Edgar Allan Poe
Amazon Price: $11.20
ISBN 0394716787
Paperback, 1026 pages (March '87)
Vintage Books
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Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
by Emily Dickinson
Amazon Price: $13.97
ISBN 0316184136
Paperback, 784 pages (Jan. 1976)
Little Brown & Co (Pap)
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Leaves of Grass
by Walt Whitman
Amazon Price: $19.95
ISBN 0679600760
Death Bed edition (Oct. '93)
Modern Library
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Lord Byron: The Major Works
by George Gordon Byron Byron
Amazon Price: $12.57
ISBN 0192840401
Oxford Univ Pr (Trade)
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Poems and Other Writings
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Amazon Price: $24.50
ISBN 188301185X
Hardcover, 875 pages (Aug. 2000)
Library of America
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Poems of Childhood
(Scribner Illustrated Classic Series)
by Eugene Field, Maxfield Parrish
Amazon Price: $25.00
ISBN 0689807570
School & Library Binding
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Poetry of Robert Frost:
The Collected Poems, Complete
and Unabridged
by Robert Frost
Amazon Price: $17.10
ISBN 0805005013
Paperback, 607 pages (May 1979)
Henry Holt (Paper)
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The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats
by William Butler Yeats
Amazon Price: $14.00
ISBN 0684807319
Paperback, 544 pages
2nd Rev edition (September 1996)
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