Classic Reading: |
The Tell-Tale Heart
by Edgar Allan Poe
Amazon Price: $4.95
ISBN 1885418035
Paperback, 64 pages
First edition edition (March 1995)
Mojo Press
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Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
Amazon Price: $4.95
ISBN 0451526554
Paperback, 461 pages
Rev&Updtd edition (July 1997)
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The Martian Chronicles
by Ray Bradbury
Amazon Price: $11.17
ISBN 0380973839
Hardcover, 272 pages (Feb. 1997)
Avon Books (Trd)
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The Day It Rained Forever
A Story of the Johnstown Flood
by Virginia T. Gross
Amazon Price: $4.99
ISBN 0140345671
Paperback, 52 pages
Reprint edition (July 1993)
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I Sing the Body Electric,
and Other Stories
by Ray Bradbury
Amazon Price: $10.36
ISBN 0380789620
Paperback, 322 pages (May 1998)
Avon Books
- Amazon |
The Time Machine
by H. G. Wells
Amazon Price: $3.99
ISBN 0812505042
Paperback, 125 pages
Reissue edition (December 1995)
Tor Books
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