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The Complete Collected Poems
of Maya Angelou
by Maya Angelou
Amazon Price: $16.80
ISBN 067942895X
Hardcover, 273 pages
Roughcut edition (Sept. 1994)
Random House
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Complete Works of Oscar Wilde:
Stories, Plays, Poems and Essays
by Oscar Wilde
Amazon Price: $17.50
ISBN 0684807319
Paperback, 1216 pages (Sept.1989)
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The Collected Poems
by Sylvia Plath
Amazon Price: $12.57
ISBN 0060909005
Paperback, 352 pages (August 1986)
HarperCollins (paper)
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The Complete Poems, 1927-1979
by Elizabeth Bishop
Amazon Price: $11.20
ISBN 0374518173
Paperback (April 1984)
Noonday Press
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The Canterbury Tales
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Amazon Price: $8.95
ISBN 0140440224
Paperback, 504 pages
1 edition (January 2000)
Penguin USA (Paper)
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Andrew Marvell Complete Poems
by Andrew Marvell
Amazon Price: $11.20
ISBN 0140422137
Paperback (Feb. 1977)
Viking Press
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Complete Poems and Selected
Letters of John Keats
by John Keats
Amazon Price: $10.47
ISBN 0375756698
Paperback, 598 pages
2001 moder edition (Feb. 2001)
Modern Library
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Collected Poems, 1909-1962
by T. S. Eliot
Amazon Price: $16.10
ISBN 0151189781
Hardcover (December 1963)
Harcourt Brace
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William Shakespeare:
The Complete Works
by William Shakespeare
Amazon Price: $27.97
ISBN 0198711905
Hardcover, 1328 pages
Compact edition (Sept. 1999)
Oxford Univ Pr (Trade)
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William Wordsworth: The Major
by William Wordsworth
Amazon Price: $11.87
ISBN 0192840444
Paperback, 752 pages (Nov. 2000)
Oxford Univ Pr (Trade)
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