A meter consisting of four iambic dipodies, the last of which is catalectic, or a line of four lesser ionic feet catalectic, varied by anaclasis.
A poem containing a rural or agricultural topic. This differs from pastoral poetry in that the georgic is didactic.
A monorhymed Middle Eastern lyric poem. The first two lines rhyme with a corresponding rhyme in the second line of each succeeding couplet. The rhyme scheme is aa, ba, ca, da, etc.
An old English minstrel who on occasion composed their own verse, but often recited poetry written by a scop.
An aphorism, a short statement of proverbial truth. Composers of verse of this nature are known as gnomic poets.
Goliardic Poetry
Satiric verse usually consisting of a stanza of four 13-syllable lines in feminine rhyme, somtimes using a concluding hexameter. The satire was characteristically a defiance of authority, mostly directed against the Church.
A mark [ ` ] indicating that the e in the English ending "ed" is to be pronounced for the sake of meter.