A repeated verse within a poem or song pertaining to a central topic.
The recitation of a short epic poem.
The skill in the eloquent use of language.
Rhetorical Question
A question asked for effect, but not demanding an answer.
A recurrence of similar ending sounds at the ends of a poetic line/verse such as 'run' and 'sun', or 'night' and 'light'.
Rhyme Royal
A stanza of seven lines or a five-foot iambic verse, rhyming ababbcc.
Rhyme Scheme
A pattern established by the arrangement of rhymes in a line or stanza.
An inferior poet.
The the rise and fall of stress (stressed and unstressed syllables); a metrical pattern or flow of sound in verse.
A fixed form consisting of fifteen octo- or decasyllabic lines in three stanzas, with only two rhymes used throughout.
A variation of the rondeau in which the first two lines of the first stanza are repeated as the last two lines of the second and third stanzas. The rhyme scheme is abba abab abbaab.
A short variation of the rondeau consisting of one 7-line stanza with two rhymes. The first line has four syllables and is repeated as a refrain forming the third and seventh lines. All other lines have eight syllables each.
A Finnish or Old Norse poem.
Run-On Lines
Lines in which the thought continues into the next line. The opposite of end-stopped.