The Constanza, created by Connie Marcum Wong, consists of five or more 3-line stanzas. Each
line has a set meter of eight syllables. The first lines of all the stanzas can be read successively as an
independent poem, with the rest of the poem weaved in to express a deeper meaning. The first lines
convey a theme written in monorhyme, while the second and third lines of each stanza rhyme together.
Rhyme scheme: a/b/b, a/c/c, a/d/d, a/e/e, a/f/f.........etc.
Example #1:
Point of reference never came.
I waited eons just to see
The clever end of destiny.
To me it always looks the same. . .
Though gender changes time to time
Salacious souls we re-define.
The numbers tell what's in the name.
Let intuition's second sight
Guide the lost toward heaven's flight.
Are we the fools and life's a game?
We seem to dwell on other's flaws
A tune well played by karmic laws.
We endure life's eternal flame.
To live and learn can be sublime;
Our birth and death are both divine.
Copyright © 2007 Connie Marcum Wong
Example #2:
Enchanted Earth
I have known ethereal bliss.
A crystal sea, serenity. . . .
Imparts visions to memory.
Endowed by heaven's cosmic kiss,
A peaceful healing I can share
With those who need my love and care.
By star light from this great abyss
Luna welcomes her night time sky.
When full or new, emotions fly.
How can I not be changed by this?
She wields her power over me,
Yet I am charmed, how can this be?
The glory of this earth I'll miss.
Though when I leave this realm one day
Sparks from my life are sure to stay.
Copyright © 2007 Connie Marcum Wong