Trolaan, created by Valerie Peterson Brown, is a poem consisting of 4 quatrains.
Each quatrain begins with the same letter. The rhyme scheme is abab.
Starting with the second stanza you use the second letter of the first line of the first
stanza to write the second each line beginning with that letter.
On the third stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the second stanza
and write the third each line beginning with that letter.
On the fourth stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the third stanza
and write the fourth each line beginning with that letter.
Example #1:
Distraught Blessings
Desire the sound or hope,
deluding minds in darkness.
Daunting though its scope,
deluged now with the access.
Elope into the morrow,
envelope me with song.
Enclose me now in sorrow
easing against the throng.
Longing for succulent prospect,
laying waste to eager night,
Lopsided in neglect,
listless with delight.
Only now will I protest,
owning nothing less.
Opening now I detest,
one more time to bless….
Copyright © 2008 Valerie Peterson Brown
Example #2:
Dream Walking
Take a step, now walk this way,
twirling as you come,
touching the bouquet,
thundering to become.
Allow the sounds to rise above,
alluding to lost realities,
accosted now thereof,
across from me fatalities.
Longing for the passage of time,
lost forever in the rhyme,
laughter can be sublime,
listening for the bells to chime.
One more step that you must take,
open now your mind,
only lie beside the lake,
often listening, to the wind......
Copyright © 2008 Valerie Peterson Brown