The La’Tuin, a poetic form created by Laura Lamarca, consists of 4-line stanzas with an
'abca, abca' rhyme scheme that is consistent throughout each stanza. Stanzas 2, 3 etc. must
all follow the same rhyme sounds as the first stanza. With the first stanza being repeated again
at the end of the piece. It contains a minimum of 4 stanzas, with no maximum length limit.
A strict syllable count of 9/8/9/8 is required per stanza.
In-Depth Explanation of rhyme:
Lines 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 etc., all rhyme - this is the 'A' rhyme.
Lines 2, 6, 10, 14 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'B' rhyme.
Lines 3, 7, 11, 15 etc, all rhyme - this is the 'C' rhyme.
The La'Tuin is named after A'Tuin, a giant turtle from the Diskworld series. A turtle is a symbol
of Mother Earth. La is Laura Lamarca's signature.
Hushed Whispers of Spring's Dawn
Gazing through glass, admiring the view,
Dew dapples lawn in fresh Spring hush;
Birds sing softly in overhead throng,
My thoughts once more return to you.
Curtains hang limp like life worn askew,
Torn and tattered, slung in the rush;
Yearning for freedom, a brighter song,
Mem'ries shimmer cherished tattoo.
New dawn awakened bright colours hue,
Softly freed me from loss's crush;
Gave me a dream where I can belong,
Ready to face challenge anew.
Gazing through glass, admiring the view,
Dew dapples lawn in fresh Spring hush;
Birds sing softly in overhead throng,
My thoughts once more return to you.
Copyright © 2006 Laura Lamarca