The Decuain (pronounced deckwon), created by Shelley A. Cephas, is a short poem made up
of 10 lines, which can be written on any subject. There are 10 syllables per line and the poem is
written in iambic pentameter.
There are 3 set choices of rhyme scheme:
ababbcbcaa, ababbcbcbb, or ababbcbccc
For a longer Decuain poem, add more stanzas for a double, triple, quatruple, etc. Decuain.
Example #1:
Dear Heart…
Our dearest Susan has a tender heart,
a mother who’s devoted to her son,
her love and wisdom to him she’ll impart,
so when they are together they have fun;
I know their love shall never come undone.
She’s special to her friends and family,
a gift from God, who’s loved by everyone
for truly she is blessed with dignity,
in this I’m sure that we would all agree
because I know she has been good to me.
Copyright © 2008 Shelley A. Cephas
Example #2:
Ode to Sméagol
He walked the world in darkness and despair,
lost in his madness due to utmost greed.
The power of the ring he would not share
as wickedness had plagued his mind indeed.
For in his heart now grew an evil seed,
forgotten was the wee folk he had been
and from dark magic he would not be freed,
he fell into its shadow from within.
It took his life, which was beyond repair,
while Sméagol was forever in its care.
Copyright © 2008 Shelley A. Cephas
Example #3:
Her Dark Road
Within those eyes are seen a mystery
as many hands about her wish to part
her from the secrets never meant to be,
before deceit is planted in her heart;
and darkness fills her soul n’ere to depart,
while shadows gather round her day and night
to draw her from the light that will impart
serenity in life that brings delight.
So she’s a pawn now caught up in black art,
a path to walk, forever set apart.
Copyright © 2008 Shelley A. Cephas